CSV Export: Duration fix and Add Track Number

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CSV Export: Duration fix and Add Track Number

When I export the CSV, the duration and actual duration show as "date time" elements and not just basic time.


Duration         Actual duration
12:03:41 AM 12:03:41 AM
12:02:43 AM 12:02:43 AM
12:02:12 AM 12:02:13 AM
12:00:45 AM 12:00:45 AM

The AM just doesn't need to be there and the 12 can be changed to 00. And the off chance you have something that is more than 1 hour long, then the clock will roll over to 1 and look correct. But it's probably just a formatting error? This happens on multiple computers for me (all windows 10 though).

The other thing that would be nice is Track Number header to help sort this CSV file. I export this into Excel and scripts and have to rely on the filename field (and hope it's in the file name) to organize the song order after sorting artist and album.

And the 3rd request just cause I'm greedy....an album artist field. I work with a lot of soundtracks where different tracks might have different artists, but the album overall is classified as one artist (like John Williams or Various Artists).

Thanks for your consideration.
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Re: CSV Export: Duration fix and Add Track Number

Fake No Funk
Good points :-)

They all will be fixed / included in the next version -  will be releasen in a few days!

The tracknumber will be available instantly..
To see the albumartist, a rescan is required - unfortunately