Clipping - Is It A significant Issue

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Clipping - Is It A significant Issue

Cuddles The Cat
I am struggling with the significance of clipping.  I have a lot of files with as many as five instances of clipping.  Does this mean they are bad?  Fakin' The Funk passes them.  Would I be correct in believing that if the files were ripped properly, there should be no clipping?  If clipping is detected, does that mean the files have been poorly ripped, damaged or that someone has manipulated them after ripping?  I'm just not sure I if I should be concerned or can ignore it.
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Re: Clipping - Is It A significant Issue

Fake No Funk
Clipping means that the output level reaches the maximum value.

It's just the same when you drive too much power to your speakes so they reach the end of their max. amplitude
It will sound lousy

Same for clipping: here, the maximum loudness value is reached and it MIGHT sound strange, depending on the number of clips and the duration. If just one or two frames are clipping, this will not be noticeable...
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Re: Clipping - Is It A significant Issue

Cuddles The Cat
Thanks.  Is some clipping normal when a CD is ripped or is it an indication that the file has be processed somehow?