Clipping level (Again)

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Clipping level (Again)

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Good morning, I come back on notion of Clipping level

I allready post 2 posts

First about the terminalogy issued in French translation

Second one was about Clipping level tolerance,  you reply only on Clipping but  not on "Clipping level Tolerance"

Clearly what means if I put (EA)


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Re: Clipping level (Again)

Ok, I do some testing

I check a sample of 8332 songs

Tolerance  0 -> 1662 corrupted  (19.95%)
                    1 -> 1160 corrupted  (13.92%)
                    6 ->  423 corrupted  (5.06%)
                   15 -> 260 corrupted  (3.12%)
                   20 -> 212 ccorrupted (2.54%)

I want to understand in what the tolerance (%) affect the quality of the music piece.

I understand the principe of clipping, not tolerence %.  

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Re: Clipping level (Again)

Fake No Funk
"Clipping %" is the percentage of samples that are clipping in relation to all existing samples.

If your song has 100,000 samples and 1,000 samples are clipping, then the percentage would be 1,000 / 100,000 = 1%
(Using a sampelrate of 44,1 kHz means that each second contains 44,100 Samples)
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Re: Clipping level (Again)

thx but you didn't reply about :

- Question on termonology

- difference on ttolerence level 1 ang 5 (E.A.)