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Could someone please give me a brief discription of what is CLipping % and MAxClipping Total and what effect it will have on the file. OR at what point a file most likely needs to be replaced? thanks!
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Re: Clipping

Fake No Funk
FakinTheFunk scans through the samples of the audiofile.
It counts each sample that is clipping and the maximum amount of  consecutive  samples that are clipping.

For instance, if you have a file where every 2nd sample is clipping, then "Clipping%" would be 50 and "max. clipping" 1, because each clipping sample is followed by a "good" one.

On the other hand, if you have a file that has only one single part that is clipping, then maybe "max. clipping" is 500 and "clipping%" only 0.1 or so.

A really clean file should not show up ANY clipping.

But in case there are only few clipping frames and the max. clipping is very small (e.g. less than 10) then you might not be able to notice that.
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Re: Clipping

This post was updated on .
I didn't see the ration from 50% to 0.1%

But I try to continue to understand

EA an analog audio at 44,10.0 Hz is recorded by sampling it 44,100 times per second

So we get 44.100 samples.

If it clipping max at 15 it means  max 15 clipping by second that give 100/44100 * 15 so 0.034 % right ?

More the sampling is high less the % will be important for a same max clipping.

At 15

22000  give 0.068%
44100           0.034%
192000           0.008%

Am I right ?

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Re: Clipping

Fake No Funk
If that song was exaclty 1 second and only 15 samples are clipping "in a row", then you are right.

For additional clarification, let me show this pic to illustrate