Contextual menu - scan folders

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Contextual menu - scan folders

Hi :)

It is possible to add a contextual menu which, by clicking on a folder, displays the item "Scan with fakin-the-funk" and fakin-the-funk opens and imports and analyzes the contents of the folder, including the sub-folders?

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Re: Contextual menu - scan folders

Fake No Funk
There's no shellintegration available, but you can simply drag&drop a folder from the windows explorer to the openend app, it then will import all the files from that folder and all subfolders :-)
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Re: Contextual menu - scan folders

yes, I had seen :)
But it would be nice to be able to do it directly from the folder. Isn't it that I can create a link to the program and put it to SEND TO folder with, maybe, some particular string that allows me to get what I want?