Crossfade while previewing tracks one by one

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Crossfade while previewing tracks one by one

When I'm previewing different tracks one by one on the main window there is a small crossfade delay.
this is with settings / replay options / use crossfading DISABLED.
If I enable this option, then the tracks switch even slower.

request: Can we please have a no crossfade option between tracks?

PS: SEEKING inside the same track has no delay. That is great for me.
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Re: Crossfade while previewing tracks one by one

Fake No Funk
I can't reproduce; in case "crossfading" is disabled, it starts the next song immediately (from its beginning).

However, if the song starts with a slice of silence, then this will not be skipped of course...

Maybe you want me to add an option to skip the first 0.5 seconds or so?!?