Drag list of fakes to playlist in iTunes

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Drag list of fakes to playlist in iTunes

Hello, I am using Fakin' The Funk V2.1.0.132 on Mac OS X High Sierra 10.13.6.

I purchased a license and unlocked the software.

To my delight, I was able to drag a list of songs from an iTunes (v12.8.0.150) to Fakin' The Funk, and it analysed the files.

Now, I want to drag the fakes to a new playlist in iTunes, so that I can batch edit the comments in the ID tags using iTunes.

When I use Traktor DJ, or Pioneer Rekordbox, they allow me to drag playlists I made in them, back to iTunes, but I could not find out how to do this in Fakin' The Funk.

Is it possible? Or is there a workaround?

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Re: Drag list of fakes to playlist in iTunes

Update on progress:

So this is a guide to organising in conjunction with iTunes.

I discovered I can right click a list of songs and "Append commend to end of ID3 tag".

iTunes users: please note that in order for iTunes to recognise the changes (if you use smart playlists etc) you must do the following (only works if you normally have the "keep itunes folder organised" ticked:

iTunes Menu -> Preferences
Untick  'Keep iTunes Media folder organised"
Press OK

Go back and tick 'Keep iTunes Media folder organised"".
It will rescan.

Then you must go to your iTunes playlist and right click a song, and go to "Get info".
You should notice your new tag is in there.

Press the forward button a few times then press OK.
iTunes should now update all its algorithms and your smart playlists, because if you don't do the above, it doesn't always notice the new tags.

However lately, the append to end of comment function just stopped working for me, so I will write to the developer about it.