Hello, I've been trying to run the delete command but I'm getting the following error, which also comes up when I reload the database:
3/31/2022 4:32:45 PM Exception EListError occured in Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept at 0 in file
Message: Duplikate nicht zulässig
Call stack:
[00CC7352] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00CAA56A] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00CAA55D] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00CAA55D] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00CAA55D] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00CAA55D] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00CAA55D] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00CB2F96] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00CAFCE0] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00CAD49F] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00629991] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[005F1EFC] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00628FB0] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[004D3AE0] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[005EEB3C] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00629575] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[006FB701] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
Any ideas?