FTF detecting files with time errors

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FTF detecting files with time errors

Hi there I have 2 files from different sources showing with time errors.

Here's both the files



If I play from the start they play just fine all the way to the end & when I open the spectrum up it just shows 30 mins & both tracks say the actual time is 30 mins but both are longer as you will see, each track is from a different company & I don't understand why. I also have checked other files now that's 1 complete single track mix & it does the same actual track time 30 mins so it's an anctual bug now.

FTF never did this so I hope you can figure it out. Thanks
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Re: FTF detecting files with time errors

Fake No Funk
Thanks for reporting. This is indeed a bug and corresponds to the "max length. of frequency spectrum" in the settings-dialog. However, this should have only affected the spectrum and not anything else.
I'll fix asap!
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Re: FTF detecting files with time errors

Thanks there's no rush on fixing it for me as I know it's a bug after I checked some of my other mixes longer than 30 mins. You take your time it's not really a big problem for me & I would think not that many people check long mixes.