Fake after Platinum Notes processing

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Fake after Platinum Notes processing

Just bought fakin' the funk 'cause I found that some of my tracks didn't sound well while they're all 320kbps.
I download mp3 from DJ pools like Beatport, ZipDJ and BPM Supreme. After that, I always process my tracks with Mixed In Key and Platinum Notes and export to 320Kbps.

So, I analyzed both original downloads and processed tracks and I found that after PN processing a lot of files turned up as fake, ranging from 160, 192, 256 Kbps

I'm kinda puzzled because this would mean that PN drags down the Kbps. I'm wondering if the results of FTF are correct...

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Re: Fake after Platinum Notes processing

I did an additional test where I processed the originals with PN, but converted to flac instead.

I was kinda amazed to see the results after analyzing with FTF. Most tacks actual bitrate is now 320Kbps...
It still differs from the advertised higher flac bitrates, but at least it's minimum 320Kbps.

Not sure how I should interpret these results. Any idea?

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Re: Fake after Platinum Notes processing

Fake No Funk
In reply to this post by Nachos
Re-compressing a file to mp3 (or any other lossy format) files will *never* increase the quality since mp3 is lossy and each encoding process will remove information from the file.

Converting them to a lossless format like flac might not make it worse (depending on the filters applied)