Fakin' The Funk? Does not start on High Sierra

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Fakin' The Funk? Does not start on High Sierra

Fake No Funk
This post was updated on .
1) Gatekeeper-Problem
The behavior to allow apps from anywhere is hidden in High Sierra.  
Use Finder and right click to choose Open, which bypasses MacOS Gatekeeper.

You can  disable the new Gatekeeper behavior, to allow apps from Anywhere:

2) Older version: Wineskin problem
Either download & install the latest version here:

or process these steps manually:
* right-mouse-click "fakinthefunk.app" and select "show package content"
* doubleklick "wineskin"
* click "advanced"
* click "Set screen options"
* Deactivate "Auto detect GPU..."
* hit "Done"