File locking

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File locking

Sometimes "Fakin' The Funk" locking files and it cannot be deleted, edited without shutting down application and sometimes the program itself cannot delete files like in example:

1. Selecting files and deleting..

        Step 1

2. File "MiTones - 17.4 - Rou #1" deleted physically, but other files only deleted from database, but physically still exists..

        Step 2

3. And I cannot delete them from Windows, because it already in use"..

        Step 3

At this time I have not been able to repeat the situation but problem from time to time exists and I can not find who influences it.
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Re: File locking

Fake No Funk
Hey, thanks for reporting this bug.
It looks like displaying the spectrum for a file (for the first time) keeps a lock on that file.
I could already localize the problem, will be fixed in the next release!