Folders Date order.

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Folders Date order.

bongo pete
Since the latest update of windows 10 when searching the source folders ready to load and hit ok to start analysing it now does it by date created i.e today,last week,earlier this month. I have corrected this in my windows folders but fakin the funk does it by the way I have just mentioned, previously before the windows update it did it alphabetically regardless of when the actual folder in windows was created. I have looked in the settings of the program but cannot find a way of reverting back to the old method. Is there any way this can be done or has the windows changes the way your program works forever.
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Re: Folders Date order.

Fake No Funk
When clicking the header of a column, you can change the sort-order according to that column.
Selecting the Column "filename  and filepath" should fix your problems :-)
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Re: Folders Date order.

bongo pete
I have just tried that and in does not work.
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Re: Folders Date order.

bongo pete
In reply to this post by Fake No Funk
I have only File Folder, File Name and Folder Path highlighted.
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Re: Folders Date order.

bongo pete
This post was updated on .
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Re: Folders Date order.

Fake No Funk
Oh, I see... It's that funky grouping option, that the windows explorer offers...

In the regular explorer, you can use the right mouse key to access "group by > name" or "group by > none" and so on.

Unfortunately, the popup menu in this "select folder" dialog is totally corrupted, for unknown reason.

So you'll  have to simply click the same menu item you would click in the explorer, by counting the items:

Sorry for the inconvenience :-/
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Re: Folders Date order.

bongo pete
Would it make any difference if i uninstalled your program and re installed.
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Re: Folders Date order.

Fake No Funk
I don't know - this is not a setting of my app, but it's the windows explorer.
Somehow the windows explorer stores this grouping option. If it "forgets" this settings when uninstalling -you can give it a try...

However, the tipp above will solve the problem.