HD Tracks false readings?

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HD Tracks false readings?

Greetings, I just purchased the deluxe version of Purple Rain on HD Tracks and most of the 35 songs are being flagged as 320's by fakin' the funk. I've noticed that I've had a similar experience with 1/2 of the songs on many of the Led Zeppelin Deluxe Editions that I actually ripped myself. Is anybody else experiencing similar false readings?
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Re: HD Tracks false readings?

Fake No Funk
Could you attach the frequency spectrum?
Is it a flac file? 24 or 48 bps?

320kbps is "CD quality", already really good quality, nothing worth to worry about.

However, considering files claiming to be 48bit or so,  Fakin' the  Funk would expect frequencies above 20kHz. Not sure if it was possible to record something like this in the 80th?!