HELP - It wiped my entire music library

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HELP - It wiped my entire music library

The worst possible thing happened! My entire music library has disappeared and time machine wasn't on and my last other backup was November.  Needless to say, im gutted.  Going to take me a huge amount of time and effort to try and restore it to what it was.

I noticed the files were missing after using FTF for the very 1st time and would like to know if anyone else has had this happen and if its a problem then is there a solution, doubtful I know but worth asking before I begin my Corona mission that will take me to Christmas and probably well out of lockdown.

Cheers for any help or tips and remember to back up properly, you learn your lesson once!
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Re: HELP - It wiped my entire music library

Hi did you find a solution I've just done the same thing? I wish It had an option to chose where your deleted files would go as a backup solution