How do I upload my files?! (iTunes)

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How do I upload my files?! (iTunes)

How do I upload / process my files?

I use iTunes to store my music. I'm a bit of a dinosaur when it comes to computers, any help would be appreciated massively! Thank you
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Re: How do I upload my files?! (iTunes)

Fake No Funk
The easiest way would be to navigate in the Finder (or Explorer) to the folder that contains your music files and then drag&drop them (either the entire folder or specific songs) to the app
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Re: How do I upload my files?! (iTunes)


Thanks for your reply. Finally figured it out. I had duplicate files which was causing the app to stall (I was originally dragging and dropping). Like I said, bit of a dinosaur... but just about getting to grips with it, kind of! I do have another question though, but will create another discussion. Thanks for your reply.

P.s will be paying for the full version later I think