MP3 edited on Ableton and exported as Wav Fakin The Funk can't detect original bitrate

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MP3 edited on Ableton and exported as Wav Fakin The Funk can't detect original bitrate

Hello there, I edited some MP3 320 on Ableton and then exported as Wav, I passed on Fakin The Funk and the software says its a Wav,

The Fukin The Funk can not detect the original 320 bitrate?

How can I be sure the Wav or the 320 that I got someone did not make the same thing?

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Re: MP3 edited on Ableton and exported as Wav Fakin The Funk can't detect original bitrate

Fake No Funk
Converting to wav is losless,
So when the mp3 was really best quality (320), then the spectrum is fully-qualified and cannot be distinguished from a plain "real" wav.