OSX version for Mac...

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OSX version for Mac...

Fake No Funk
...is currenlty under development :) Thanks for all who have requested for it!
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Re: OSX version for Mac...

dennis parrott
for anyone who is really desperate to use Fakin' The Funk and is on a Mac, i just confirmed that the program seems to run just fine under Parallels/Windows 7 Pro.

So that leads me to two questions:

1. if i buy a license can I transfer that license to the Mac version when it becomes available?

2. is there a set of reference data that i could download and run against FTF to verify that it actually is running correctly under Parallels?  i'd be very willing to do a little bit of extra work to make sure that people who go down this road won't end up with a program that doesn't run quite right.

this is a good thing if i can verify that it works right... i am in the middle of rebuilding my DJing platform so checking the files out that go into the crates would be _great_!

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Re: OSX version for Mac...

Fake No Funk
Thanks for reporting your experience with Parallels!
1. Yes, you can use the same license to run under Win and Osx (as soon as it becomes available... sorry for the delay)
2. There are no "official test files", but in case that you can display the frequency spectrum it surely will do it's job
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Re: OSX version for Mac...

Same experience here.  Running in Parallels works best (versus running in the Wineskin.).