Thank you very much, you were right! This problem was solved.
But I noticed other ambiguities.
I've posted here an image with a *.wav file that is transcoded. With the cut-off just slightly above 20khz that is tagged OK but it's not.

And after that i open the file in another spectrum analyzer to confirm that. Here's the photo:

Now i'll upload a picture with a "healthy" file and how the spectrum should look.

I'm sorry if I'm too insistent with this kind of problems but I noticed it's not reliable with lossless files. I mean...from 7 files now 5 are good.
The program is great and I have been waiting for this for such a long time, but it needs to be improved. I hope you can make from this software what we have been waiting for so long.
(Also sorry for my english. I'm not a native english speaker :D)