so.... i have a file that is 128 aac, i have converted it to 320 aac, and put it into fakin' the funk, but it says that, yes it is upscaled of course, but it also says that the effective bitrate is 192 kpbs, the same happened with mp3. i have seen the spectrum with the frequency curve and it says that 128 is near 16k khz but that is wrong, because in most cases an aac 128 cuts at 18 khz, while the spectrume curve says that at 18 khz is 192 kbps, but as i have said and as the original file (128 aac) says, the 128 aac cuts at 18 khz... so the effective bitrate that for fakin' the funk is 192 kbps should be 128 of course, since i have upscaled an 128 aac file to 320 aac. I hope you guys have understand what im trying to say.
Original file 128 aac

File upscaled to 320 kbps ( the effective bitrate for fakin' the funk is 192 kbps but ofc should be 128)