What is the difference between Clipping % and Max Clipping

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What is the difference between Clipping % and Max Clipping

I don't really understand the difference between the two. I have music files where there is 0% clipping and a max clipping of 44. Can anyone explain what the two represent?
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Re: What is the difference between Clipping % and Max Clipping

Fake No Funk
Fakin' The Funk scanns all Samples and checks if it is clipping.

The clipping % is:
total number of clipping samples / total number of samples * 100

If the file has 1,000,000 samples and only 44 are clipping, then the percentage would be 0,0044% which will be  rounded to 0%

The "max clipping" is the maximum number of samples "one after another" without any non-clipping sample in between.

The file file has these samples where "c" inicates "clipping" and "-" no clipping:
Total number ob samples: 40
Total number of clipping samples: 16
Clipping percentage: 40% (16/40*100)
Max. clipping: 3 (this is the largest block of connected clipping samples)

If you have only few samples clipping in a  row, this might not be noticeable. But if there are a lot, then it is a serious problem. (The default sample rate is 44.100 per second, so 44 samples are ~1ms)

A high-quality file should not have any clipping.
If there are only few and the number is not too high, I personally would tend to ignore it.