What version is the best?

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What version is the best?


I have these two verisons of a song and I try to figure out what version to keep.

This one seems better to me. It is reported to be a bitrate of "only" 608


This one seems not as good to me, but is reported to be twice as good by FtF: 1371 bitrate


What do you think?
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Re: What version is the best?

Fake No Funk
It's hard to say, since the main part of the song seems to be rather silent.

From the spectrum view, I can only say that both seems NOT to be upscaled. All of them have a continuous spectrum up to the frequency limit. So both can be legit.

So it's up to your ears to decice; FTF cannot say if there were applied any filters etc, only if the technical aspects seems to be legit!
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Re: What version is the best?

Thank you for the quick reply!

The first is a CD rip that I did today, so at least I know the source is as good as it gets. It is reported to be 16 bit. The other I do not know what is the source, but it is reported to be 24 bit. Maybe a vinyl?