Why is this a fake file? Need help understanding the frequency spectrum

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Why is this a fake file? Need help understanding the frequency spectrum


This tune from Star Wars A New Hope Remastered is from a CD I've ripped myself. It shows up as a fake. Reported bitrate is 626 but actual bitrate reported by FTF is 256.

As far as I can see however the frequency spectrum is not "cut-off" like a "normal" fake file. To me it seems to go all the way up to above 22kHz.

So why is this a fake?

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Re: Why is this a fake file? Need help understanding the frequency spectrum

A hopefully larger screenshot:

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Re: Why is this a fake file? Need help understanding the frequency spectrum

Fake No Funk
Well, it's not a "hard" cut-off, but the amount of samples reduces significantly starting at ~15kHz
It's not a proof, that it is a fake, but it's a strong indicator.
High quality files normally don't show such a drastic reduction in the upper frequencies.
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Re: Why is this a fake file? Need help understanding the frequency spectrum

Thank you for the quick reply.

This is the only tune in the album that returns as a fake. Could it be because this is a classical piece? They often contain soft parts.

This is how the file appears in Spek:

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Re: Why is this a fake file? Need help understanding the frequency spectrum

Is there a way to force a "deeper" analysis of the file?

This is the relevant album: