Thanks for your reply
I have tried what you have said and its a lot better way of marking them with the actual bit rate. I have another question relating to that process which is more windows based. How do I get any music folder I open in windows 7 to always show comments and the
windows bitrate. At the moment any windows music folder I open only shows across the top track no., artist, song title, album etc and I have to right click at the end of the last collum and ad windows bitrate and comments but it only adds those options to
that folder. If I open a totally different music folder windows bitrate and comments are not there and I have to do the same process as I did to the previous folder. I want any music folder I open in windows 7 to always show bitrate and comments so I can compare.
I am planning on upgrading to windows 10 soon because of support for windows 7 finishing in January. If the process is different could you explain how to do that too.
look forward to your reply.
From: Fake No Funk [via Fakin' The Funk?] <ml+[hidden email]>
Sent: 31 May 2019 08:49
To: bongo pete
Subject: Re: re name fake files to show actual bit rate in windowws explorer and dj software like VDJ
You can use the right-mouse-key "Rename files > Insert text at beginning of comment tag"
and then use the placeholder $realbitrate to write the bitrate in the comment-tag
It is technically not possible to "overwrite" the bitrate information of the file, since it is not a tag but a property of the file itself.
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