Display file encoder (LAME, LAVF, libFLAC...)

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Display file encoder (LAME, LAVF, libFLAC...)

I would like to see what audio encoder was used to encode the file, and possibly its settings. Also, I would like to know in what field it's written because I can see it in Windows properties (maybe beacuse of dBpoweramp) and not in mp3tag. In their forum (mp3tag) I read that it won't be implemented in the next versions, and since dBpoweramp is a 21 days free trial I would like to see it inside FakingTheFunk. Here there is a screen capture of both the windows, thanks in advance.
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Re: Display file encoder (LAME, LAVF, libFLAC...)

Fake No Funk
Hi, thanks for your suggestion!

As far as I understand, this is a lame specific "special header" and not a general (encoder independet) information, so it will not be present for all files.
And in addition, it can easily be faked and therefore I won't rely on this information.

But I will see what I can do about this in an future release...
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Re: Display file encoder (LAME, LAVF, libFLAC...)

Thanks for the quick reply. As far as I know I cannot remove those fields in Windows (while I can see them) nor with mp3tag (I cannot see them and there are some other fields that cannot be changed). I never noticed them until I installed dBpoweramp, but they must be written somewhere in the files
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Re: Display file encoder (LAME, LAVF, libFLAC...)

In reply to this post by AlphaJack999
quote the same request of AlphaJack999. Thanks!