Exception when opening app via Windows RDP session.

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Exception when opening app via Windows RDP session.

Hey - if I access my Windows 10 desktop via RDP and open Fakin' The Funk, it raises an exception and does not let me do anything. Clicking any button simply raises another exception. This does not happen if I login locally, only via RDP. Here is the exception when I first start the app:

14/05/2018 7:29:48 PM Exception Exception occured in Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept at 0 in file
Message: Error initializing Device ID0 5: Illegal device number (Code: 23)
Call stack:
[0099C175] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[0099CE41] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00C8C71D] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[005EF461] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[005EF065] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[005EF017] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[005F9DFA] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00CE64E4] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept

if I click OK, the main window displays and I then get another exception:

14/05/2018 7:38:35 PM Exception EArgumentOutOfRangeException occured at address 00449BE2
Message: Argument außerhalb des Bereichs
Call stack:
(00048BDD) [00449BDD]
[00C8E6D5] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00C8C2FB] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00628201] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[005F076C] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00627820] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[004D3408] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[005ED3AC] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00627DE5] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[006F9EA1] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept

I click OK again and then go to "import music files", check the source directory is available (mapped SMB network share) and then click OK. I then get this exception:

14/05/2018 7:30:18 PM Exception EAssertionFailed occured in Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept at 0 in file
Message: NodeDataSize not initialized. (D:\daten\xe8\VirtualTreeView\Source\VirtualTrees.pas, Zeile 28683)
Call stack:
[006FEE0E] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
(0000A301) [0040B301]
[006FEE0E] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00C869EA] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[004D26AB] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00623294] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00627AAC] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[0057318C] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00627820] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[004D3408] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept

as mentioned it doesn't occur if I login on the PC itself, it's only when I access it via Remote Desktop.

Is this a known issue?

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Re: Exception when opening app via Windows RDP session.

Fake No Funk
looks like the app does not find a soundcard.
Does your RDP connection allow the possibility to provide a soundcard...?

Haven't tried it myself that way.... Sounds weird...

Am 14.05.2018 um 11:47 schrieb spa [via Fakin' The Funk?]:
Hey - if I access my Windows 10 desktop via RDP and open Fakin' The Funk, it raises an exception and does not let me do anything. Clicking any button simply raises another exception. This does not happen if I login locally, only via RDP. Here is the exception when I first start the app:

14/05/2018 7:29:48 PM Exception Exception occured in Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept at 0 in file
Message: Error initializing Device ID0 5: Illegal device number (Code: 23)
Call stack:
[0099C175] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[0099CE41] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00C8C71D] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[005EF461] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[005EF065] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[005EF017] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[005F9DFA] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00CE64E4] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept

if I click OK, the main window displays and I then get another exception:

14/05/2018 7:38:35 PM Exception EArgumentOutOfRangeException occured at address 00449BE2
Message: Argument außerhalb des Bereichs
Call stack:
(00048BDD) [00449BDD]
[00C8E6D5] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00C8C2FB] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00628201] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[005F076C] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00627820] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[004D3408] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[005ED3AC] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00627DE5] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[006F9EA1] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept

I click OK again and then go to "import music files", check the source directory is available (mapped SMB network share) and then click OK. I then get this exception:

14/05/2018 7:30:18 PM Exception EAssertionFailed occured in Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept at 0 in file
Message: NodeDataSize not initialized. (D:\daten\xe8\VirtualTreeView\Source\VirtualTrees.pas, Zeile 28683)
Call stack:
[006FEE0E] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
(0000A301) [0040B301]
[006FEE0E] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00C869EA] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[004D26AB] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00623294] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00627AAC] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[0057318C] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[00627820] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept
[004D3408] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept

as mentioned it doesn't occur if I login on the PC itself, it's only when I access it via Remote Desktop.

Is this a known issue?

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Re: Exception when opening app via Windows RDP session.

In reply to this post by spa
Ah thanks! Enabling audio in the RDP connection does appear to resolve the issue and the program is now running OK.

My use case may be a bit odd but I typically do not enable audio within my RDP sessions, so it would be nice if the program responded by just disabling any audio playback capabilities (which I personally do not use anyway).

Anyway, I will just leave audio enabled for the time being - cheers!
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Re: Exception when opening app via Windows RDP session.

Fake No Funk
The problem is, that the app cannot decode the audiostream without a soundcard...

The errorhandling is of course not the best *blush* ... will have to fix it.

Am 15.05.2018 um 11:58 schrieb spa [via Fakin' The Funk?]:
Ah thanks! Enabling audio in the RDP connection does appear to resolve the issue and the program is now running OK.

My use case may be a bit odd but I typically do not enable audio within my RDP sessions, so it would be nice if the program responded by just disabling any audio playback capabilities (which I personally do not use anyway).

Anyway, I will just leave audio enabled for the time being - cheers!

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